Boar War Pattern and Skill Analysis

Boar is DEF partner if you just started in the game then Boar is very good choice. Because it’s easy to find even from the adventure stage you can get it. you can use it as a tank in your team.


RED Boar War Pattern and Skill Analysis

Red Boar
Red Boar

Leadership Skill – None

Skill 1 –  Push Up

Attack an enemy, with a 25% chance to stun the enemy and 10% chance to taunt the enemy. also, it can deal more damage with more DEF.

Skill 2 – Brutal Collision (CD – 5 Rounds)

Attack All enemies, and deal damage over time for 3 rounds. it can deal more damage with more DEF.

Skill 3 – Thick Skin

When HP is lower than 50%, damage received will be reduced by 40%.

War Pattern Recommendation For RED Boar

Option 1 – 6 Bull (Left Hand DEF%/SDP + Right Hand DEF% + Helmet DEF% ) – user DEF/SPD/HIT in substat

Option 2 – 4 Cat + Bull (Left Hand DEF%/SDP + Right Hand DEF% + Helmet DEF% ) – user DEF/SPD/HIT in substat

Can use Corsac Also to increase chance to hit but option 1 is best.

Blue Boar War Pattern and Skill Analysis

Blue Boar
Blue Boar

Leadership Skill – None

Skill 1 –  Push Up

Attack an enemy, with a 25% chance to stun the enemy and 10% chance to taunt the enemy. also, it can deal more damage with more DEF.

Skill 2 – Frozen Clash (CD – 4 Rounds)

Attack All enemies with 50% chance to freeze the enemy. it can deal more damage with a higher Damage.

Skill 3 – Thick Skin

When HP is lower than 50%, damage received will be reduced by 40%.

War Pattern Recommendation For Blue Boar

Option 1 – 6 Bull (Left Hand DEF%/SDP + Right Hand DEF% + Helmet DEF% ) – user DEF/SPD/HIT in substat

Option 2 – 4 Cat + Bull (Left Hand DEF%/SDP + Right Hand DEF% + Helmet DEF% ) – user DEF/SPD/HIT in substat

Can use Corsac Also to increase chance to hit but option 1 is best.

Green Boar War Pattern and Skill Analysis

Green Boar
Green Boar

Leadership Skill – None

Skill 1 –  Push Up

Attack an enemy, with a 25% chance to stun the enemy and 10% chance to taunt the enemy. also, it can deal more damage with more DEF.

Skill 2 – Erect Bristle (CD – 5 Rounds)

Increase DEF, Become Immune to debuffs for 3 rounds, and increase Action bar by 50%.

Skill 3 – Hot Temple (unlocked after 3 stars Awaken)

Reduce the damage received by 15% and has 20% chance to counter when receiving an attack.

War Pattern Recommendation For Green Boar

Option 1 – 6 Bull (Left Hand DEF%/SDP + Right Hand DEF% + Helmet DEF% ) – user DEF/SPD/RES in substat

Option 2 – 4 Cat + Bull (Left Hand DEF%/SDP + Right Hand DEF% + Helmet DEF% ) – user DEF/SPD/RES in substat

Which Color Boar is good?

Blue and Green boar is good. but green should be 3 stars awaken to maximize the output.