So I would not call myself a novice at the game anymore but still hungry for new tips hints and tricks.
What is your favorite combination of partners for. Ranked. Attacking on map etcetera?
And if you had to choose one favorite what would it be
Try to use heavy attackers of 2 colour should be 5 stars if not then use heros of 4star must use red colonel or green guitarist for emunity as anti stun team use hight speed to them and put supports as red drumer or gdk
yeah, i was thinking about a little more in-depth talk about some of the best combos out there. Like 3 thera 1 dragonman
blue king plus booster etc.
The best partner combos you know and why you like and use them
U can use dragon with high speed blue black shaman drum beater on blue king and as healer and defense increaser u can use blue berserker 3 star awoken