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First 6 star partner

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Hey guys. Things are going well on my server. Been pretty lucky with the turtles tbh perhaps less so with the patterns!


Anyway. I currently have lots of 5star heroes. Among them is BlueBlackShaman, GreendragonMan, GreenDBGirl, GreenFierceBeast, GreenMrDagger , And a GreenColonel, For the Fierce beast I have three others if I wish to improve skills in the future, THe double bladed girl is already awakened twice. Blue-black shaman is of course a well known solid Partner. and Greendragonman is also a great speed booster partner.

Now to the question: What would you upgrade to level 6 first and why? I have not found any blue nomad or any nomad for that matter. That would have been my first choice

I kind of want to wait but it is also a benefit to get a headstart on the server being able to get lv2 lonely warrior loot early with the other big boys


This topic was modified 6 years ago by Ragnarok


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Hi Ragnarok,
I would suggest you go with Blue black shaman, Green colonel, and Green dragonman.

Why I selected these

Blue Shaman has stun ability you can use saya on it and put some speed. So basically enemy team won't able to do anything other than getting stunned. Now Green Dragonman work great with Blue Shaman as it will Boost speed so your Blue Shaman will get more chance to stun the enemy.
and Every team should have a healer partner and in your list, Green Colonel is the great healer.

War Pattern suggestion :
For Blue Shaman focus on Speed and Damage with Saya.
For Dragonman Focus on Fully Speed and Defence (4 cat + 2 Bull).
For Colonel Focus on More Hp and Defence.

Hope this will help you! 🙂

Ragnarok reacted
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Thanks =)

I am curious about Saya on Blue-Black Shaman but am currently using cat there.

I think I forgot to mention that I have a Blue berserker as a healer as well. A partner I think many overlooks since its a 3 star to start with but few can compare to its mass healing. And my issue with green colonel is that she has 1 resurrect and one heal, on the other hand, she does allot more dmg then blue berserk.

Another issue I have with 5-star partners is that they are notoriously hard to skill level and Green dragon man , Blue berserker is ez

Another question I have is if you have found any combination of partners where you use whale pattern or a mix of whale pattern and hippo?

I am waiting to get Blue nomad to try out the endurance/hp style to its limits 

Lastly, any fun combinations that are rare that you want to share? (Partners patterns or synergies) I like to think outside of the box and would find it a fun challenge if we could come up with something new here.

Could you build a set up where you just keep the enemy stunned from start to end?

This post was modified 6 years ago by Ragnarok


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CAT combination also not bad for blue shaman but using saya on it gives you an extra 25% chance to give stun effect that means there is a chance to give stun buff on every hit.

About Berserker, it works well if your team All Team has good HP As its heal all team member. But Colonel works great if you work with high damage deal as its revive skill helps a lot. You can use Hippo and Bull on the colonel. but if you planned to use it with speed team then use cat and Left Hand Speed pattern.

Green Colonel always better than berserker when you awaken it to 3 stars (see below image). Each Stat is better. Even see Speed. She can be in your speed team.

Skill upgrade issue is there in 5-star partner but there is chance that you can get skill upgrade. 3-star partners are good at starting but after sometime, you will realize that I should have upgraded 5 start instead. But.. But.. there are good 3 star also like Green Dragonmen. Top 3 players in ranked match also use it sometime.

Blue Shaman (With Saya and Left-hand Speed), Green Dragonman (Full Speed Build with DEF) , Green Colonel, Last One partner take high Damage Partner As now you have the speed to why not to kill the enemy faster. You can use RED Double Blade Girl. It has High Damage also its 2nd ability Has sleep effect that is similar to stun. Here is your fully stun speed team. 

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Thanks allot man =)

I can see your points and I am excited to try them out. Was funny you mentioned the Red double-bladed girl since I literally just spun her =0

The Nomads can you do without them in your opinion or are they just too good?

