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God of earth & Noma...
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God of earth & Nomads

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God of earth & Nomads

Can you manage without them or are they a must in your decks?

What decks do you use to counter them successfully



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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 4

Well, If you want to stay in top 50-100 then you should have both partners because these are the best partner in the game currently. Don't know about prophet but it seems good from his skills.  

Well Now about countering them it depends on opponent full team and color of Nomad king and GOE. 
For Every Team, there is a Team to Counter it. But without having Nomad and God of earth it will be difficult.

  • Best Counter for BNK (blue Nomad King ) is Red warmaiden and Red Mr. Dagger. Use speed and stun team.
  • Don't Use your Speed Team against GNK (Green Nomad King) As it control speed so there is no use of speed if Opponent GNK team has no speed. Red drummer, green colonel, green catfish and red guitarist/green demon can be good team against GNK.
  • Red GOE can be countered by a combo of red colonel + blue nomad
