Brutal Age Partner Guide – Updated 2019

In this section, you will find a guide to all blue/Red/Green partners from the tier list. This is what I consider to be the best practice for each of these partners war pattern setups. I hope this helps guide you towards a better partner team, and better partners overall. By “Natural” I mean the stars at which a partner starts at. For example, the blue boar would be considered a “Natural 3-star partner”, regardless of what stars you upgrade him to. Partners range from 1 star to 6 stars. In order to “Evolve” a partner, you need the partner you want to max level, and have the corresponding number of partners equal to the stars of the partner in order to evolve. For example, if you have a 4-star partner, it would need to be at level 30, and you would need 4 other 4 star partners in order to evolve it(They can be any level 1-30 it doesn’t matter). If you use the same partner (like a boar to evolve a boar), it will get a random skill increase as a bonus on one of its attacks/abilities. Color does not matter only that it is the same partner.

Note: In This guide, we haven’t added new partners, Please use our Search Bar (Right side in the menu) to find details for your partner.


Check Out Other Beneficial Guide –

War Pattern Guide

Partner Awakening Guide

Adventure Farming Guide

Best Blue (Wise) Partners in Brutal Age

 Natural 5 Star

Blue Nomad King (BNK) is currently the best partner in the game, as a standalone partner he is self sufficient. For him your best war pattern options would be all HP% boosting base stats. The reason for this is because he deals more damage the higher his HP is, so it is a win win. And to top it all off he heals 15% HP every turn. It says hes immune to debuffs but I think this is not true currently, as he can be stunned and frozen etc. He survives longer and deals a lot more damage.

Blue Mr. Dagger is a damage partner. Since he deals high damage, you want to give him high SPD, and high ATK. He also will need high HP, since he is your main source of damage most likely, you dont want him to be attacked first so make sure you have either a tank with lower HP to soak up the damage, or make sure you have a good healer, or revive. His passive ability brings him back to life and makes him invincible for 1 turn, so this paired with a large heal could revive him quite well. In addition to being a good damage partner, his passive gives him the color advantage over any color, so he does the same damage to green, red or blue partners. This is quite beneficial as well.

Blue Colonel is a support/ healer partner, for her you want to go high DEF / HP. As your main healer, you don’t want her dying first so she should be high HP, so that she is always there and able to heal. She has both an AOE (Area of Effect) (affects all partners) healing, and a single 50% heal.

Blue God of Earth (Blue Elephant) is a defense or tank partner with fantastic abilities. For him you want to focus on DEF, with a little bit of SPD / HIT.Two of his attacks deal higher damage with higher DEF, in addition to freezing, or dropping the action bars of enemies to 0, which essentially skips their turn. You want him to have the lowest HP on your team, and extremely high defense. With this approach he will take most of the damage for your team, however it will be lower due to his high defense. With a good healer he should be able to survive, and his abilities will give you the edge to out damage your enemy by having more attacks overall.

Natural 4 Star

Blue Fierce Beast is a support / attack partner. While he does not heal, he does provide immunity and unyielding to the team. For him you want to focus on HP and ATK for him. Giving him high HP allows him to deal more damage with his 2nd ability, and more ATK overall amplifies this. He prevents your team from being stunned, or healing forbidden, or frozen etc, and can allow them to be invincible for 1 turn if reduced to 0 HP. He is a great counter to Blue Black Shamans, or Blue Elephants, or Blue Boars etc. Also healing forbidden is a great ability to have as it really messes up, or sometimes wastes entire turns of partners.

Blue Black Shaman is the most versatile partner in the game. He can be built in many different ways and still be effective. This will be up to you to decide which build is best for your partner set up, or what role you want him to play.

Option 1 – SPD / HIT – Use this if you have a fast, speed based team, he usually will be your leader for extra SPD. The goal of this build is to cycle through his stun, and blind AOE abilities as fast as possible and get as many attacks in as he can, to beat the opponent on pure number of attacks rather than damage or survivability.

Option 2 – HP / ATK – Use this if you have a high HP team with good healers, and want to use him as your main damage. Adding in some CR or CRD would be beneficial as well for his first ability.

Option 3 – Balanced HP/SPD/ATK – In this role he serves as more of a secondary character, not really support, but not really attack either, he’s well rounded, and can help in all areas. He will get in alot of attacks, do decent damage and have some survivability.

Blue Guitarist is a defense / support partner. For her I recommend high HP and high DEF. While she doesn’t have a true “Heal” like other partners, she does have a revive. I would recommend using her in combination with someone who has a more consistent AOE heal in order to maximize her effectiveness, or at least one other revive partner so that they can revive each other. I recommend 4 hippo 2 bull, or 6 hippo.

Blue Double Blade Girl (Blue DBG) is an attack partner. For her you want to have a good balance of attack stats, such as high ATK, high SPD, high CR and high CRD. Since she is purely a power attack partner, you want her to output as much damage as possible, and she can self heal / shield based on the damage she does for her 2nd ability. She also has the capability to remove buffs with an AOE attack. it always hits 100% of the time. (Counter to Thera?)

Natural 3 Star

Blue Berserker (Zerker or Zerk) is hands down, the best F2P (Free to Play), or easily obtainable healer / support in the game. The amount that he heals increases based on what his max HP is, so for him you want to focus solely on high HP. In addition to an AOE heal that is fantastic, he also DEF boosts all of them at the same time as well. If you are F2P and have no 4-5* partners or very few, blue berserker and blue boar, are about the best free combo in the game. their synergy is unmatched.

Blue Boar is a defense, tank attack partner. By this I mean he both acts as a sponge to absorb the enemies damage, as well as outputting huge amounts of damage himself! For him you want to focus on high DEF with a little bit of SPD and HIT%. All of his attacks benefit from high defense, as well as his fantastic passive also helps with high DEF. He must have the lowest HP on the team for this strategy to work. Between his high damage, and freeze, and stun abilities he is one of the best partners in the game, he is like a mini blue elephant.


Best Green (Wild) Partners in Brutal Age

Natural 5 Star

Green Nomad King (GNK) is a very good control partner. Since his passive makes ALL partners speeds equal to his, both friendly and enemy you can either give him a lot of SPD, or try to not give him any SPD at all. if you dont give him any speed you will need a high damage/ high HP team because it will be purely a damage fight.

Green Mr. Dagger is a damage partner. Since he deals high damage, you want to give him high SPD, ATK and HP. Since he is your main source of damage most likely, you don’t want him to be attacked first so make sure you have either a tank with lower HP to soak up the damage, or make sure you have a good healer, or revive. His abilities all benefit from faster SPD, and Higher HP, he is somewhat similar to the Blue Black Shaman, as he can do an AOE stun, but it deals more damage with higher HP.

Green Colonel is a support/ healer partner, for her you want to go high DEF / HP. As your main healer, you don’t want her dying first so she should be high HP, so that she is always there and able to heal. She has both a revive / full HP, and a single 50% heal. She is like a Green Fierce Beast, and a Blue Guitarist together.

Green God of Earth (Green Elephant) is a SPD / ATK partner with fantastic abilities. For him you want to focus on SPD / ATK / CR / CRD. He is a very diverse partner, and his 3rd ability if used correctly can be devestating. He can reset the cooldown on abilities for your team, the possibilities are endless there. He is great for SPD build teams, as his leadership ability is 24% SPD increase to all.


Natural 4 Star

Green Fierce Beast is a support / attack partner. While he does not heal, he does have a revive. For him you want to focus on mostly HP and some ATK for him. Giving him high HP allows him to deal more damage with his 2nd ability, and more ATK overall amplifies this. Also healing forbidden is a great ability to have as it really messes up, or sometimes wastes entire turns of partners.

Green Guitarist is a defense / support partner. For her, I recommend high HP and high DEF. She has a nice 20% max HP heal that also removes debuffs, and grants immunity. She is a solid healer, with good stats.



 Green Catfish Fighter another same great help partner. that you can get from phishing. Many people replaced it with green guitarist. As both give you HP. But Catfish gives a HP shield of 20% of its max hp in every round so you can say its best alternative for the green guitarist. Focus on more HP and some speed.


Green Double Blade Girl (Green DBG) is an attack partner. For her you want to have a good balance of attack stats, such as high ATK, high SPD, high CR and high CRD. Since she is purely a power attack partner, you want her to output as much damage as possible, and she can self-heal / shield based on the damage she does for her 2nd ability.

Green Demon Killer (Green DK) is a support partner. Coming equipped with Wound which makes enemies take more damage, and Poison he already does nice damage without needing an addition attack boost, and his best ability is his 3rd which is an AOE attack as well as an ATK and DEF buff to your whole team for 2 rounds. He also gets a self speed boost as well as healing during the CD of that ability. For him you want to focus on high HP and high SPD and either ATK or DEF the choice is yours depending on if you want to be aggressive or more passive.

Also Read -> Demon Killer Skills and War Pattern Guide

Green Marksman is a high damage partner with some decent abilities. For her you can go a few routes, but they all center around Damage. CR can be hugely beneficial because it CR each arrow individually allowing for high damage even if attack is not high because she has a high base attack already. (Nerfed) Not as viable anymore. Her silence and action bar reduction abilities are good.

Natural 3 Star

Green Dragonman is a defense, support partner. For him you will want to focus on SPD and DEF with some HP. His ability to give all teammates increased SPD for 3 rounds is unmatched, and can be very beneficial to almost any team. He does especially well with an already fast team, and his ATK and DEF reduction are also very beneficial. He is a well rounded support partner that benefits from SPD. Make sure your left hand is SPD based stat.

Best Red (Brave) Partners in Brutal Age

Red Nomad King (RNK) is an attack partner. For him you want to focus on ATK / CR / CRD with some HP. Due to his 3rd ability, he always does full damage, never a glancing blow. In addition to this when he gets attacked, he has a chance to counter-attack the enemy who attacked him. This means potentially he could have 5 attacks per round if all 4 enemies hit him. For this reason, and for his basic attack causing damage over 2 rounds when getting a CR, he can deal a lot of damage very quickly.

Red Mr. Dagger is a damage partner. Since he deals high damage, you want to give him high SPD, and high ATK. He also will need high HP, since he is your main source of damage most likely, you dont want him to be attacked first so make sure you have either a tank with lower HP to soak up the damage, or make sure you have a good healer, or revive. His 3rd ability, which is passive, gives enemies amnesia. This is a direct hard counter to Blue zerker, or any Nomad King, or Blue Boar etc. They cannot use their passive ability, this is a huge huge huge impact to those characters. You could also focus on CR and CRD if you want just massive damage.

Red Colonel is a support / DEF partner, for her you want to go high DEF / HP. Note that she does not have a heal ability, so you will need a healer. She has two attacks that deal higher damage with higher defense, so you can focus on defense with her. She also can dispel debuffs on your team, and provide immunity, which helps against blue black shaman stuns, or blue elephant freeze.


Red God of Earth (Red Elephant) is an attack partner. For him it is best to focus on ATK / HP with some SPD. He does high damage, and damage over time. Also his 3rd ability makes the cool downs of enemy abilities much longer, which is great on things such as heal, or revive, etc. He will need to have some HP in order to survive and the added speed will allow him to deal more damage more quickly, as well as use that critical cooldown extend ability. He is best used as a main damage partner. Put Saya on him :).

Natural 4 Star

Red Guitarist is a defense / support partner. For her I recommend high HP. She has a 15% AOE heal that also reallocates and evens out all the HP % wise. This is an extremely powerful ability if used correctly. In addition to her healing forbidden AOE, and 25% solo heal she has a great mix of abilities and healing.

Red Double Blade Girl (Red DBG) is an attack partner. For her you want to have a good balance of attack stats, such as high ATK, high SPD, high CR and high CRD. Since she is purely a power attack partner, you want her to output as much damage as possible, and she can self heal based on the damage she does for her 3rd ability. Note that her sleep ability has been fixed! She now sleeps one target, and attacks another. Also since this gives her another action (if she successfully sleeps a partner), all her cooldowns are reduced by 1 due to her immediate action.

Red Demon Killer (DK) is an attack partner. For him you will want to have high HP, as well as high ATK or CR/CRD. He has a nice mix of abilities. Since his basic attack poisons you can focus a little bit more on the HP side (unless you do CR/CRD). He also stuns, and self heals and deals higher damage once the enemy is below 50% HP.

Also Read -> Demon Killer Skills and War Pattern Guide

Red Drum Beater (Red Drummer) is a support partner. For him you want to have extremely high HP and SPD. None of his other stats really matter. He dispels buffs on enemies and poisons them and that’s plenty of damage for him, and his basic attack is negligible. His 3rd ability however is the key to his success. He adds a shield equal to 50% of his max hp to the lowest HP partner on your team as well as immunity, in addition to boosting CR% and ATK damage done as well for 2 turns. For this reason you want a low HP partner to be a tank to combo with him, such as a blue boar.

Note: We will Update more Partners soon when we have enough Data.
Note: New Smilodon partner is not good so far.

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